
Why Sendarmy is the Best Choice for Businesses that Employ Virtual Assistants

Email marketing is an effective way for businesses to communicate with their target audience and drive sales. It allows businesses to send personalized messages to their customers, increasing the chances of conversion. However, managing email campaigns can be time-consuming, particularly for businesses that employ virtual assistants. Businesses that employ virtual assistants face several challenges regarding…

the benefits of using email software solutions for virtual assistants

The Benefits of Using Email Marketing Software for Virtual Assistants

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to reach customers and drive sales. It enables businesses to communicate directly with their target audience and deliver personalized messages. However, creating and managing email campaigns can be time-consuming and require technical knowledge, which can be a challenge for virtual assistants. Sendarmy is an email marketing software designed to…

Outbound Webhooks

Webhooks are a mechanism to allow Sendarmy to communicate with an online platform you own. Basically, what you have to do is provide a URL that is able to read the data that Sendarmy will send you when certain events occur. You can choose which events you want to receive to cause less load on…

GDPR and Email Marketing

On May 25, 2018, the new General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD or GDPR) came into force. It is normal that when a new regulation is applied, doubts arise about its implementation and its implications for companies, so we will try to solve them in this article. What is the GDPR? The European Union has updated…


In this article, we explain how the Sendarmy billing system works. Edit your invoicing details At the time you make the payment in Sendarmy you will be asked for the invoicing details. The data is used to issue all invoices. If at any time you want to change them it is important that you know that they will…